CTS 👋 part 5 👉 Why do the Carpal tunnel syndrome appear #4.5 Healthy advice Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 1:52 5 years ago 2 732 Далее Скачать
The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Sindromul de Tunel Carpian | STC part II Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 2:45 10 years ago 54 816 Далее Скачать
Carpal tunnel syndrome 👉 Why? How? When? (enable subtitles) Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 3:37 5 years ago 244 623 Далее Скачать
#3 Mariana, cu un sindrom de tunel carpian sever și bilateral #stc Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 1:00 3 months ago 86 635 Далее Скачать
Carpal tunnel syndrome | the most effective treatment | Sindromul de tunel carpian | STC part III Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 1:07 7 years ago 60 984 Далее Скачать
Tratament fără operație în Sindromul de tunel carpian #STC #vitta #dureremana Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 1:00 1 year ago 18 202 Далее Скачать
CTS 👋 part 6 👉 What is the non-surgical treatment of CTS? #4.6 Healthy advice Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 1:46 5 years ago 4 499 Далее Скачать
5 semne ce îți arată că suferi de Sindromul de Tunel Carpian #shorts #kinetoterapie #exercitii Amza Teofil 0:16 1 year ago 2 700 Далее Скачать
CTS 👋 part 4 👉 Phalen’s test in Carpal tunnel syndrome #4.4 Healthy advice Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 1:33 5 years ago 4 075 Далее Скачать
Relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Seconds #Shorts SpineCare Decompression and Chiropractic Center 0:50 2 years ago 704 221 Далее Скачать
Recuperarea după operația de Sindrom de Tunel Carpian #STC Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 1:00 11 months ago 12 878 Далее Скачать
De ce doare mâna în Sindromul de tunel carpian? #vitta #deget #stc #csc #preventie #dureremana Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 0:52 1 year ago 171 539 Далее Скачать
Durkan’s test - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Provocative Tests - Sindrom de tunel carpian Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 1:09 7 years ago 73 305 Далее Скачать
Deget Blocat după operația de Sindrom de Tunel Carpian? STC + Trigger Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar 2:01 5 months ago 606 Далее Скачать